Wednesday 16 September 2020

2004-03-01: Travelling

 (from the same notebook as "remembering")

I seem to spend

a lot of time


here and there

always with destinations

but never quite arriving

2004-04-18: Remembering

I just found this in a notebook, across two pages, I'm in two minds whether the pages are connected or not, or whether this is two pieces on a similar theme, both of which need more work 🤔 

part/page 1:

Is it really better 

to have loved & lost 

rather than not knowing 

what I miss ?

To remember his touch,

his voice, his kiss,

How he said my name.

Would ignorance of that be bliss ?

To know each day

that I can not recover

the smallest part 

of what we had together

Is that really better

than never having felt that way ?

part/page 2:

Sometimes I wish

I could take you from my heart

and purge myself of you,

from each and every part.

To take each thought

and rip it from my mind,

erase you, move on,

and never look behind.

But you're a part of me

wherever you may be,

every fibre of me remembers you,

I shut my eyes and you are there.