Sunday 27 July 2014

1988-02-24:As Night Grows Old

I'll stay awake for you tonight
And fight fatigue and lethargy,
To see the new day creeping in
With you in silence.

We've talked of everything beneath the sun
And a few more things besides,
So there are no more words left to say
With you in silence.

The empty coffee cups mark time
Across the wakeful night,
Evidence of time I've spent
With you in silence.

There's things I know I want to say
But the words escape and flee.
So I'm sitting here as night grows old
With you in silence.

The record's worn into a groove,
The gas fire's sounding tired,
But we'll outlast them, wait and see,
With you in silence.

[Note: of course the record groove reference dates this.... not quite the same effect if a CD or MP3 is playing]

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