Monday 28 July 2014

1988-04-07: Token Rebellion

I dress
As society asks,
I live
As society says,
I work
From nine to five,
And keep
Myself to myself.

I don't spike my hair
Or live off the state,
I'm a normal civilian
Make no mistake,
But hidden deep
So nothing shows,
A token rebellion,
I paint my toes.

So I say
What society wants me to,
And I always
Look the other way,
I walk
The way society tells me to,
And I live
To see another day.

I've got somewhere to go
And I can pay my own way,
I'm no misfit or drop-out,
I know the right games to play
But hidden deep
Inside my mind
I know that I'll never
Be one of your kind.

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