Saturday 26 July 2014

1987-01-13: Got me wrong

You've got me wrong,
I'm not going for a song,
You can't sweet talk me,
I just want to be free.

No more fetters, no more ropes,
Not even you can squash my hopes,
Tie my feet to the ground,
My head's in the clouds,
I'm gonna go as far
As I'm allowed.

I've got it right,
At last I've seen the light,
No one's in the way but me,
If I want, I will be free.

No more nice guys. no more creeps,
This time I won't be the one that weeps,
I'll not be caged
Like I'm in the zoo,
I'm gonna get out
And I'm gonna get you.

[Note: kind of interesting to write this one up as it appeared to be about ignoring the normal boundaries and yet stuck in the middle as "as far as I'm allowed" !!]

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