Saturday 16 August 2014

1985: Room with a view

Hypnotise me
With blue-green eyes,
We know what we want
So it's no surprise
When I lock the door
And welcome you in.
The taste in my mouth
Is the sweet taste of sin,
I know and you know
We'll not sleep tonight.
Replete on each other
In the velvet half-light,
I'll hold you so closely
That we'll be as one,
Part of a conquest
That nobody won.
Linked in our music
A wild symphony,
Our minds and our bodies
In slick harmony.
So frantic emotion
At leisurely rate,
While heart beat is racing
Our sense pulsate.
I feel you against me,
I know that you care,
Though when I turn over
I find you're not there.
In dreamtime unending
You visit me now,
You hold me suspended
In imaginary vow.
I want you, I need you
To be by my side,
The miles in between us
Will not let me hide
The way I am feeling
The fact I love you
So visit in real time
My room with a view.

[Is it me or does this poem wimp out with a "dallas" moment by turning the lover into a dream ? I seem to have used this device a few times - perhaps just holding back a little]

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