Tuesday 12 August 2014

1993-03-16: Gaze

At first I can not look into your eyes
For fear of what I might see.
But when I do, I can not look away
For fear of losing this moment.
I look into the never-ending depths
And, falling, lose myself in them.
I want to hold this moment,
The passion, the intensity,
Captured in one gaze,
And savour it forever.
In one unending heartbeat
I find a universe of feeling,
Of emotion, of sensation,
My skin all nerve endings
My mind ablaze with colours.
And then you look away,
It fades, I breathe again.

[I'm slightly surprised to find poems in the box from post university years as I thought I had all but stopped writing when I started working. It seems not. Sometimes they are just fragments and never finished. In today's poem I have changed a couple of words but that is all. The changes are things I had fiddled with at the time so I clearly wasn't sure first time around. I think it works now ?]

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