Sunday 10 August 2014

1988-Feb: "Love is" and "Love isn't"

So far I have been publishing a poem per post, but this group seems to fit together. Written around the middle of February, I was obviously playing with the theme.

1) 1988-02-13

Love is pain,
Ecstasy that hurts,
It's laughing,
Crying, weeping.
It's smiling when you're sad,
It's being polite
When you want to scream and fight,
It's like a disease
That doesn't have a cure.
Don't ask me why
Love is.

2) 1988-02-15

Love is
Something within
That's so rare as to be precious
And still so common.
It's a deep inner fire
That burns without flame,
That rules and regulations
Can not hope to contain.

3) and clearly I got to the point where I felt I couldn't explain what "love is" so wrote an "anti-valentine" on 19th Feb 1988

Love isn't

Watching you wave goodbye
Knowing I won't see you again,
Expecting the phone not to ring
And being surprised at getting a letter,
Remembering not to claw your back
And not to hold hands in public,
A friend telling me how much you care,
Me telling people you don't really matter,
Wearing a dress I know you don't like,
Saying you look good when you don't,
Hoping you can't stay the night,
Not knowing how many sugars you take,
Watching the other channel on the TV,
Playing the record I know you hate,
Picking a fight when I know you're wrong
Just to prove how little you know.

That's what love isn't.

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