Thursday 14 August 2014

1994-01-12: Better

I don't want to be good,
I want to be better.
I don't want to be first,
I want to be faster.
I want to succeed
Where others survive,
I want to make triumph
Out of disaster.
It's not enough to be now,
I want to be always.
I want to be here,
And never be nowhere.
Why stand still
When you can take one more step ?
Why call a halt
When I've done nothing yet ?

[Note: this is an example of one of the poems from later than I thought I was still writing. It was 90% ok with one pair of lines not working. I'd obviously never had the time to sit down and sort the issue. Turned out I was looking at the wrong pair and could fix the issue by a change somewhere else. I think it works now ?]

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