Monday 10 November 2014

1989-10-16: Changeling

In my dream
I am everything you want me to be,
And somehow that seems right,
To not be fettered by reality
But instead be the figment
Of someone else's imagination.

And I, some kind of changeling,
Chained to solid earth
By feet and heart of stone,
Am liberated to unseen heights
By the transforming power
That fantasy can hold.

And yet how can it be
That I do this not for myself
But for some other who has yet to come
And thus in every moment
Within the dream
I live a lie.

Sunday 12 October 2014

2014-Oct and 1986-02-11: Abstract time

In the archive is a poem that starts "Time is an abstract conception of the mind" (which I will post further down). When I read it now, it reads like I am trying to be clever.... and not quite managing it. But the phrase stuck - so here is mark 2....

Time is an abstract
Concept of the mind.
It marks the passing
Of our lives
With sands of grain,
With cogs and gears,
Each second, minute,
Day, month, year.
Onwards it flows
In one direction
No chance to stop,
Pause for reflection.

And before you know it
Time has flown
I find myself 
Nowhere, alone.
Ahead the future
I can't see,
Behind the past
That's closed to me.
The path ahead
Unknown, uncertain.
Each step I take
A choice unspoken.

[And here is the mark one version:

Time is an abstract
Conception of the mind
Sequencing the motion
Of all human kind.

But break away,
Listen to the off-beat,
Hear the hidden tempo,
Touch the living pulse.

Dancing for your freedom,
Let no one make you stop.

'Til the multi-coloured 
Strands of noise
Swirl in chaos
Before your eyes.                                             ]

Saturday 4 October 2014

2014 Sept: And then

And then...he touched me.
Unpeeling my clothes
Like I was the perfect present,
Covering my body
In a blanket of kisses,
Exploring my body
Like it was a foreign country,
Taking me on a rollercoaster
Of sensation,
Teasing my senses
With each new surprise.

Saturday 13 September 2014

2014-Aug: Try

I try to fly
But my wings are bound.
I try to cry out
But I can't make a sound.
I try to swim
But I'm sinking fast.
I try to see
But the darkness falls fast.

Monday 8 September 2014

1988-02-27: Hilltop

Standing on a hilltop
I watch the world
In quiet isolation,
While in the distance
Scurrying ants
Frantic to get from A to B
And back again.
Amid the desolation
The soothing emptiness
Mutes the sound of civilisation
To a quiet buzz.
I sit on my hilltop,
Knees hugged tight,
And see the day run
Like sand through an hour-glass,
Until it's time to turn,
So in the amber twilight
I walk down my hill
And rejoin humanity.

Sunday 31 August 2014

2010-11-19: Absent

I feel
Ripped apart,
No heart
Left within.
My get-up-and-go
Got up and went.
Not so much empty
As absent.

[I was in two minds whether to post this as it seems a bit like a fragment rather than a finished poem. But I think extending it might dilute it so here it is]

Wednesday 27 August 2014

1994-05-22: Absence

Your absence
Leaves me nervy,
Makes me fear
The unexpected,
Leaves me wanting
And deserving
More than this.

Your absence
Makes me foolish,
Leaves me short
Of understanding,
Without the trust,
Without the patience
That I need.

In your absence
I grow stronger,
I grow wilder,
I reach further,
But the pain
Is almost more
Than I can bear.

2014-Aug: It felt like

I fell in love
and it felt like it was forever
I would have followed you
to the other side of the world
if only you had asked
but you didn't.

I fell in love
and it felt like it was meant to be
I'd have given a lot
To be with you
But you chose
To be free.

I fell in love
and it felt like it was grown up
But you lied 
And you cheated
So in the end
I asked you to go

Sunday 24 August 2014

2014-Aug: Decades

In my twenties 
I learnt that 
Love could be found
And Love could be lost
And so I turned to Lust
Where losing mattered less.

In my thirties
I learnt that
You could love
More than once
Trouble was so did he
And the other woman made three.

In my forties 
I learnt that
I didn't need
Someone else
But I still didn't learn
To love myself

[So the original idea was to post this directly after the "First Love" item. But then I just couldn't resist posting something else last night. Still, feel free to compare and contrast. Although this isn't the first new thing I've written since starting the 30 day challenge, it is the first to get posted. It's slightly scary as I want to hold it back and check it is really *done*. I don't guarantee this poem will never change - it feels like it needs something more, a final verse].

Saturday 23 August 2014

1991-02-11: Love conquers all

Love may come easy,
Love may come hard,
Love makes you hungry,
Love makes you tired,
Love builds you up
And love tears you down,
Love makes you laugh
And love makes you frown,
Love can be everything
You want it to be,
Love may cost dearly
Or love may be free,
Love is a word
And oh so much more,
When nothing is left
Love conquers all.

Friday 22 August 2014

1989-05-21: First Love

First love
Brings laughter,
Brings pain.
First love
Makes you think
You won't love again.

First love is fire
And shooting stars.
First love is life
In a rose-coloured glass.
First love don't stop
And won't last.

Next time love
Brings smiles
And sunny days.
Next time love
The give and take
Works both ways.

Next time love
Is quiet appreciation.
Those once bitten
Are twice shy.
Next time love
Just ain't the same.

Thursday 21 August 2014

2004-Feb: Going Nowhere

I am old before my time,
Washed up
And left hanging on the line.
Feel like
I am watching life go by
And I can't make it stop.

I'm walking on the beach,
My footsteps washed away
Beneath my feet,
No trace left behind.
I'm moving on
But going nowhere.

[Despite the two 2004 poems being some months apart, they both talk about beaches. I'm not sure why as I wasn't anywhere near a beach at the time. I was stuck in limbo and living in my parent's spare room while my other half lived in the house I was paying for in another country. ]

2004-10-26: Ever On

I can't hold the world still,
Stop the sun, the moon, the seas
In their tracks.
I can't stop the stars
From falling
From the sky.
I can't hold the seas
From washing
The beach clean.
The winds will blow,
The leaves will fall
Upon the ground,
And time will march
With steady stride
Ever on.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

1989-10-11: No More Time For You

And there was
No time to say goodbye,
No time to say I love you,
No time to dry my tears
Or wrap my arms around you.

The good times
Were few and far between,
I learnt to savour every moment
And cherish the waking dream.

Now I've got
No time to remember,
Or wonder what went wrong,
No time for nostalgia
When someone plays our song.

The bad times
Came too often and too fast,
Til I learnt how to shelter
From the nightmare of the past.

And there is
No time that will heal me,
Or take away the pain.
No time that would let me
Trust you with my love again.

I've got no more time for you.

1989-10-19: Hold me tight

Hold me tight, my dear,
And drive away
The dragons and spirits
Of my dreams.

Hold me tight, my dear,
And keep away
The fear and loneliness
That night time brings.

Hold me tight, my dear,
And in my heart
A flame is struck
To scare the dreams away.

Hold me tight, my dear,
And deep within
A light is lit
To keep the dark away.

Hold me tight, my dear,
And in your arms
No harm can come
And only joy be found.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

1994-04-24: No more no less

Your love of me
Is brutal, basic,
Takes me to the edge
And brings me back in pieces,
It finds the emptiness
I have
And fills it,
No more, no less.

1994-02-11: Worlds enough

There are worlds enough and time
To get my feelings into line,
Just for now I'll leave them
Loose and running free.

There is time enough for love,
No need to hurry, push or shove,
Just relax and let it
Happen naturally.

I've got love enough to share,
But you don't seem to care,
So I'll just wait
And let you work it out.

There are worlds enough and time,
There is reason, there is rhyme,
So I'll trust in Fate
And see what comes my way.

Monday 18 August 2014

1994-06-14: One weekend

I remember one year
I spent most of the weekend
That constitutes a British summer
In bed with you.
Indulging in lazy
Over-heated sex.
The heavy air
Coating our bodies with sweat
As we moved against each other
With well-oiled familiarity.
Afterwards lying
In languid disarray,
Close but not touching,
Unable to tolerate
The warmth of another body,
But somehow still part
Of the same animal.

1994-02-15: You lied

You lied,
You held me close,
I fit you like a glove.
You lied,
Your words and actions
Told another story.
You lied,
I opened my heart
And gave you a guided tour.
You lied,
I believed in you
And so believed in us.
You lied,
And now I wonder
If you ever told the truth.

[Oh my. This wasn't about the really big liar who was part of my life some time after this. But it would fit that situation. Prophecy or just a repeating pattern ?]

Sunday 17 August 2014

1985: He's not for me

Oh no, he's not for me
Even with those blue-green eyes,
And if he tries to tame me
He's in for some surprise.
I'm not one to fall for
The smile and easy charm,
If he tries to use this woman
I'll be the one to do the harm.
He's not so bad I 'spose
In a funny sort of way,
But he'll find a word in my ear
Won't be enough to make my day.
I'll play a game with him
Like a fish upon a line,
And if he begins to care
I guess I wouldn't mind.
It'll be fun to flirt for a while,
Feed him his own potion,
But I'll not be the one to care,
All tangled in emotion.
He'll make a good escort,
He always looks so good,
I guess I could care a little,
I think I really would,
But not so much it hurts me
I couldn't cope with that,
Nor so much that if we parted
Life would suddenly be flat.

[I'm not quite sure who had the "blue-green eyes", but I suspect this was from afar and unrequited.  And I'm still not sure about the word "escort" as it just feels a bit contrived. Maybe someday I will have another go at this and sort it out. The general idea was someone trying to convince herself that she was in control of her emotions, but the control is just an illusion. ]

Saturday 16 August 2014

1985: Room with a view

Hypnotise me
With blue-green eyes,
We know what we want
So it's no surprise
When I lock the door
And welcome you in.
The taste in my mouth
Is the sweet taste of sin,
I know and you know
We'll not sleep tonight.
Replete on each other
In the velvet half-light,
I'll hold you so closely
That we'll be as one,
Part of a conquest
That nobody won.
Linked in our music
A wild symphony,
Our minds and our bodies
In slick harmony.
So frantic emotion
At leisurely rate,
While heart beat is racing
Our sense pulsate.
I feel you against me,
I know that you care,
Though when I turn over
I find you're not there.
In dreamtime unending
You visit me now,
You hold me suspended
In imaginary vow.
I want you, I need you
To be by my side,
The miles in between us
Will not let me hide
The way I am feeling
The fact I love you
So visit in real time
My room with a view.

[Is it me or does this poem wimp out with a "dallas" moment by turning the lover into a dream ? I seem to have used this device a few times - perhaps just holding back a little]

1985: The other me

With feet on ground
I creep, I crawl,
Ambitions chained
To solid earth.
With head in clouds
The other me
Roams far and wide,
Unfettered, free.

1985: Inside Me

Inside me
A creature prowls,
Surveys its cage,
In anger howls,
Slips it leash
With mindless glee,
And I become
The other me.

Friday 15 August 2014

1993-07-07: Thief

At night I dream
Of lust and love and laughter,
Of pain and disaster,
And each extreme
Remains unreal,
A product of my mind.

But there's a thief
Who steals my desires,
My midnight fantasies,
And sets them free.
There in the light of day
They live and breathe.

Live dangerously
He whispers in my ear,
Life aint no rehearsal
There's a choice of aspirations
Of live, of love, of pain,
It's up to you to choose.

All you have to do
Is reach a little further
And choose to live.
Take with both hands
The chances you've been given
And make them real.

Thursday 14 August 2014

1987-8: Clean cut

So clean the cut,
Look down to see it welling,
Begins to flow,
And scatters as I move.
Paint the wall,
With pretty blood-stained patterns,
Arcing droplets
Glisten as they fly.
Paint the town
With the remainder of my life,
Paint it all red,
So pretty, see it fly,
A work of art,
I see the pattern growing,
And when it's done
I sign it with my blood.

[Note: This is from the uni years so I have guess it is sometime in 1987 or 88. I remember seeing an arc of blood on a wall somewhere; it had a kind of macabre beauty. So I wrote about it.]

1994-01-12: Better

I don't want to be good,
I want to be better.
I don't want to be first,
I want to be faster.
I want to succeed
Where others survive,
I want to make triumph
Out of disaster.
It's not enough to be now,
I want to be always.
I want to be here,
And never be nowhere.
Why stand still
When you can take one more step ?
Why call a halt
When I've done nothing yet ?

[Note: this is an example of one of the poems from later than I thought I was still writing. It was 90% ok with one pair of lines not working. I'd obviously never had the time to sit down and sort the issue. Turned out I was looking at the wrong pair and could fix the issue by a change somewhere else. I think it works now ?]

Wednesday 13 August 2014

1994-04-27: Show me

I've always had wings
But you taught me to fly,
I've always had reason,
You showed me why,
I thought I could see
Til you opened my eyes,
I knew how to live,
Now I know how to die.

So show me a winter,
I'll melt it to spring,
Show me an empire,
I'll make you the king,
Show me a mountain,
I'll climb all the way,
Show me a moment,
I'll make it a day.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

1988-07-21: Tears

It's raining,
Soft tears upon the ground,
For the sky is not too proud
To cry.

[This was written a long time ago but it seemed right to post it now. The news today was about Robin Williams]

1993-03-16: Gaze

At first I can not look into your eyes
For fear of what I might see.
But when I do, I can not look away
For fear of losing this moment.
I look into the never-ending depths
And, falling, lose myself in them.
I want to hold this moment,
The passion, the intensity,
Captured in one gaze,
And savour it forever.
In one unending heartbeat
I find a universe of feeling,
Of emotion, of sensation,
My skin all nerve endings
My mind ablaze with colours.
And then you look away,
It fades, I breathe again.

[I'm slightly surprised to find poems in the box from post university years as I thought I had all but stopped writing when I started working. It seems not. Sometimes they are just fragments and never finished. In today's poem I have changed a couple of words but that is all. The changes are things I had fiddled with at the time so I clearly wasn't sure first time around. I think it works now ?]

Monday 11 August 2014

1988-11-08: Loving Ain't That Cheap

I dislike the way
You trifle with emotion,
Say that you love me,
Then give your warmth
To someone else's arms.
I know you've been hurt before,
And badly too,
But so have I,
And still I know
That loving ain't that cheap.

1994: Warp and Weft

You are my warp
You are my weft
Without you
I'm bereft.

You are my chalk
You are my cheese
Without you
I have no ease.

You are my bird
You are my bee
Without you
I'm all at sea.

You give me pleasure
Without any pain
And you give it
Again and again

You give me passion
You give me love
You give me the earth
And its heavens above.

[No date on this one, but it is on the back of some house details so I am guessing at 1994]

1990-10-29: My love

My love lost me,
Left me,
Loved me
More than I could bear.

My love hurt me,
Left me
With a love
No longer shared.

Now I'm cried out,
All washed up
And burnt out
And I no longer care.

1986/7: Spaced Out

Spaced out
Wiped out
Slumped in a corner
No mind to care,
Little girl
Within her
Creeps out to see
If anything's there.
She's wasted
Painted doll
Puppet of her peers
White face and diamond tears,
Thrown away
A product of society,
Blood, sweat, and fears.

[Note: I was reminded of this one by a friend so dug through the box til I found it. No date but I am guessing some time in the academic year 86/87]

Sunday 10 August 2014

1988-Feb: "Love is" and "Love isn't"

So far I have been publishing a poem per post, but this group seems to fit together. Written around the middle of February, I was obviously playing with the theme.

1) 1988-02-13

Love is pain,
Ecstasy that hurts,
It's laughing,
Crying, weeping.
It's smiling when you're sad,
It's being polite
When you want to scream and fight,
It's like a disease
That doesn't have a cure.
Don't ask me why
Love is.

2) 1988-02-15

Love is
Something within
That's so rare as to be precious
And still so common.
It's a deep inner fire
That burns without flame,
That rules and regulations
Can not hope to contain.

3) and clearly I got to the point where I felt I couldn't explain what "love is" so wrote an "anti-valentine" on 19th Feb 1988

Love isn't

Watching you wave goodbye
Knowing I won't see you again,
Expecting the phone not to ring
And being surprised at getting a letter,
Remembering not to claw your back
And not to hold hands in public,
A friend telling me how much you care,
Me telling people you don't really matter,
Wearing a dress I know you don't like,
Saying you look good when you don't,
Hoping you can't stay the night,
Not knowing how many sugars you take,
Watching the other channel on the TV,
Playing the record I know you hate,
Picking a fight when I know you're wrong
Just to prove how little you know.

That's what love isn't.

Saturday 9 August 2014

1994-02-09: Drumming hooves

Drumming hooves
Across tide-washed sands,
Wind steals the tears
From my eyes,
Muscles bunch and flow
In hungry flight,
Leaving behind
A slow-dissolving trail.

1994-01-19: Centered

Centered is
Being where I'm at,
Breathing easy,
Breezing through,
Chilled out and cool.

Centered is
Riding high,
Feeling good,
Seizing the moment
The way you know you should.

Centered is
Extending the limits,
Taking on risk,
Flexing your muscles,
Enjoying the stretch.

Centered is
Doing things
In my own time.
Dancing to a tune
That is singularly mine.

Friday 8 August 2014

1993-06-07: The way I'd like you

If I close my eyes
I can feel your lips
Caress my neck,
Your almost touch
Upon my waist,
The closeness of you.
I can feel your arms
Encircle me,
Safe harbour,
Intoxicating presence.
I know just how
It would be
If you were only
The way I'd like you.

[Note: this is over a year after the "Dream" poem yet has a similar concept, words etc. So whatever I was feeling around then it was fairly consistent]

1992-02-17: Dream

I dreamt I was
Warm against your chest,
Snugly fitted hip to hip,
My head rested in the
Made-to-measure hollow of your shoulder,
So close I could smell
Your strength and feel
Your arms lightly encircle me.
But now I am no longer
Sure that it was you.
He was so real, so here,
And you never are.

Thursday 7 August 2014

1988-02-24: Pressure

Pressure in my skull
Like a stormy summer day
Twists my eyes,
Pushes me down
Til I am eating dirt.
I feel drained,
The colour leached away
To leave a shadow of myself.

[Note: there are a few on this theme. Migraine sufferers may recognise what is going on]

Wednesday 6 August 2014

1992-10-12: You

You touched me
And. as you touched my body,
Touched my soul.

You helped me
And, as you eased my aches,
You eased my pain.

You held me
And, in your hand,
You held my heart.

1991-11-04: Wishful thinking

Wishful thinking doesn't change a thing
(More's the pity
Or I'd be tall, slim and beautiful)
So there is no way
To make what we want from each other
Match with
What we're prepared to give.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

1991-06-24: Girl With...

I wanted to be
Your girl with a rucksack
With no responsibilities,
No ties but my love for you.

Instead I am
A girl with a mission,
A job and a home,
And living without you.

Whatever happened to
Those carefree days
Of kites floating high
On the breeze my heart followed.

A summer of love
Followed by a winter of aloneness
Left with nothing
But memory to keep me warm.

The light within me
Flickering midst wintery storms

1991-05-24: What You See

I am but a carrier for my soul,
The part of me that's greater than the whole.
And when everything is done and said
It's a different person who's inside my head.

No feet of clay or facts-of-life,
No living on a thin-edged-knife,
The inside me is not the same
As what's outside and bears my name.

The outward signs, the "what you see"
Is but the smallest part of me.
Iceberg-like there's more beneath
If only you're prepared to seek.

Monday 4 August 2014


Re-reading your letters,
I feel echoes in my mind
Of the way I felt,
And the emotions that still bind.

I wish I could scream it,
Tell it for all to hear,
I still love you, want you,
And I wish that you were near.

I fell in love in summer,
And loved you all year long.
But now my heart's a winter
And I don't know what went wrong.

For all my love and needing,
You went without a word,
So I'll have to voice my protest
To a big, wide, empty world.

Without you there is nothing,
And all the colours fade away,
The fight's not really worth it
For one more grey grimy day.

For nothing is without you,
I see your face upon the wall,
I hear your voice come from a stranger
And turn my back upon them all.

1988-01-13: Men

Men are more trouble than they're worth.
They're a walking disaster from the moment of birth,
They never do the right thing at the right time or place,
Yet the card they are holding is always the ace,
They always bite off more than they can chew,
And lovingly hand the remainder to you,
They're a pain and a worry and go one step too far,
They like drinking, fast women, and faster still cars,
They argue and insist that they're always right,
Yet expect your support if they start up a fight,
I love them and hate them, they're all just as bad,
The one thing they're good at is driving me mad.

Sunday 3 August 2014

1988-03-15:Sit and sweat it out

I'm close to the edge
And ready to jump,
Walking the thin line
Between living and dead.
Don't push me
Or I might take one step too far,
Just let me
Sit and sweat it out.

Living for the present
I'm a creature of the night,
The darkness is a weapon
To wield against the light.
So watch me
Danger makes me come alive,
It doesn't scare me
I'll sit and sweat it out.

It gives me a kick
Like twenty thousand volts
To take a risk
On what the future holds.
Don't push me
Or I might take one step too far,
Just let me
Sit and sweat it out.

If there's trouble
I'll look after myself,
I'm not dependent
On anybody else,
So stand clear
I can do without your help,
It doesn't scare me
I'll sit and sweat it out.

[Most people wouldn't automatically think about danger and risk along with "sitting" but this is about holding your nerve, about those little games of "chicken" where the risk is in waiting]

1988-06-30: Dancers

Hot and sweaty
Like tropical heat,
In the background the music
Has a primaeval beat.
The dancers move
From an inner need
That makes their hearts sing
And their souls bleed.
Clothes cling to bodies
As sense pulsate,
The look in their eyes
Recognises their fate.
Filled with obsession
They'll dance til they drop,
Their ears filled with music
That never will stop.

Saturday 2 August 2014

1989-12-07: Build me a dream

Build me a dream
Of brimstone and treacle,
Build me a dream
And fill it with people,
Fill it with lovers,
And fill it with lies,
Fill it with secrets
And love's sweet surprise.

Build me a dream
Of heat and of dust,
Build me a dream
That's dripping with lust,
Fill it with loving
And dark velvet nights,
Fill it with closeness
And make it alright.

Build me a dream
That's strong and that's true,
Build me a dream
That smells only of you,
Wrap me in blankets
Made from your desire,
Let me be warmed
By the light of your fire.

1989-04-19: Perhaps I love you

Perhaps I love you.
All I know for certain
Is you fill my every dream
And often in the daytime,
From nowhere, a thought of you
Will make me stop and smile,
With a world of meaning.

So perhaps I love you.
For sure, your very touch
Brings a warmth
That's more than skin deep,
And the sound of your voice
Echoes deep within my soul,
Where sight and sound
Become sweet melody.

And although the way I feel for you
May not be the raging fires of first love,
But is instead the quiet glow of embers,
The warmth is such to thaw the winter into spring.
And though I know the path ahead
Is not an easy one to take,
Still I'll walk that path with you.
So perhaps I love you.

[Note: one thing I can say for sure is I didn't get to walk that path for ever]

1988-07-17: You

I live for you,
I die for you,
I laugh for you,
I cry for you,
You bring colour
To my life,
You bring feeling
To my heart,
You make laughter
From my pain,
You make joy
From what was hurt,
What was empty
Now is full,
What was ended
Now begun.

Friday 1 August 2014

1988-Jan: Give me a reason

I'm scared,
Scared to laugh
And scared to cry,
Scared to love
And scared to die,
But most of all
Scared to love.

So give me a reason
To dry my tears,
Give me a reason
To banish my fears.

I'm tired,
Tired of talking
And tired of giving,
Tired of trying
And tired of living,
But most of all
Too tired to care.

So give me a reason
To heal the scars,
I'm locked in a prison
So break down the bars.

I'm lonely,
I need you
To hold me,
To love me,
To scold me,
But most of all
To make it worthwhile.

1987-Dec: If we fight

If we fight
It will be the first time,
But let me tell you
It will also be the last.
I've known too much
Pain and cried
Too many rivers
To let present become past.

Thursday 31 July 2014

1987 - 88-: Nobody

And now I am stronger
The memories no longer
Enough to keep my feet upon the ground,
For the lesson that you taught me
And the misery you brought me
Weren't enough to stop me turn myself around.

I'll beat you at the game
That you tried to play,
I'll make you rue the day
That you walked away,
Cos nobody, but nobody,
Behaves that way with me.

Now I'm not so prone to fooling
And my temper isn't cooling,
Revenge is just the sweetest thing I've known.
I'm not really out to get you
I'd quite happily forget you
But I want to show you quite how much I've grown.

I'll beat you at the game
That you tried to play,
I'll make you rue the day
That you walked away,
Cos nobody, but nobody,
Behaves that way with me.

Time won't stop for anyone
And memory's a loaded gun,
But I'm not about to turn and shoot myself.
Now my heart's no longer bleeding
You're an open book for reading
But I'd rather put you back up on the shelf.

[Note: no date on this other than a vague year]

Wednesday 30 July 2014

1988-02-25: Thursdays

I've learnt the knack of coping
With those Monday morning blues,
Tuesday simply follows on
And Wednesday's half way through,
Friday marks the end
Of the standard working week,
But I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

Life is never easy,
It often seems unfair,
And trials and tribulations
Are enough to cause despair,
But though there are some days
When things are really not so bad
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

So when the sky is sunny
But you feel a drop of rain,
And the lift up to the eighteenth floor
Has broken down again,
If the door that's always open
Just slammed shut in your face,
It must be Thursday.

1988-09-15: Cover me

Cover me with kisses
A blanket of desire,
Wrap me in your loving,
Warm me with your fire,
Fill my every moment
With laughter and with tears,
Help me see the future
And conquer all my fears.

1988-06-30: Fire side

Dark, dingy corner
By the fire's side
With dog lying
In coiled content
At master's feet
In fitting end
To a hard day's toil,
While glowing deeds
Are retold
In eager reminiscence,
And lazy smoke
Trails ribbons
Across the room.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

1988-05-10: Old days

Old days,
Fine ways,
Remembered through
A drunken haze.

Sights seen,
Places been,
In hindsight
Nothing but a dream.

1988-05-03: Life love hate money


1988-05-03: Ask me no questions

Ask me no questions
I'll tell you no lies,
There's love on my lips
While the truth's in my eyes.
I'll read you a story,
I'll tell you a tale,
Though my body's on offer
My heart's not for sale.
So take what I give you
And don't ask for more,
As long as we're allies
We'll make love not war.

Monday 28 July 2014

1988-04-07: Token Rebellion

I dress
As society asks,
I live
As society says,
I work
From nine to five,
And keep
Myself to myself.

I don't spike my hair
Or live off the state,
I'm a normal civilian
Make no mistake,
But hidden deep
So nothing shows,
A token rebellion,
I paint my toes.

So I say
What society wants me to,
And I always
Look the other way,
I walk
The way society tells me to,
And I live
To see another day.

I've got somewhere to go
And I can pay my own way,
I'm no misfit or drop-out,
I know the right games to play
But hidden deep
Inside my mind
I know that I'll never
Be one of your kind.

1988-04-06: Not Like This

I wanted to hear you say you loved me,
I wanted to see you smile,
I wanted to wake with you beside me
And know you'd stay for a while.

But not like this,
Like a thief in the night.
But not like this,
Always second best.
But not like this,
Lying to your face.
But not like this,
Behind your back.

I wanted to be beside you always,
I wanted to be the one,
I wanted to trust you, love you, want you,
To win the race I've run.

But not like this,
Like a thief in the night.
But not like this,
Always second best.
But not like this,
Lying to your face.
But not like this,
Behind your back.

I wanted to have the strength to leave you,
I wanted to say goodbye,
To turn my back on what you've been to me,
I wanted to walk away.

But not like this,
Like a thief in the night.
But not like this,
Always second best.
But not like this,
Lying to your face.
But not like this,
Behind your back.

1988-03-21: Last chance for a dance

Even though you've said
You'll ring or maybe write,
That I'll definitely hear
Though you're not quite sure when
Or where you'll see me next,
I look deep into your eyes,
Beyond where you can lie,
And know without a doubt
It's my last chance for a dance.

You can say you love me
And that you hate to say goodbye
As much as I do
At the station in the pouring rain,
But something within me
Knows that however much
Undying devotion you declare,
I won't see you again.
So it's my last chance for a dance.

As the evening closes
And our eyes meet and meld
In the mutual appreciation
Of strangers falling in lust,
I hear the cars arrive outside,
The DJ winds the evenings up
And turns the music down,
And tells us what we all know:
It's our last chance for a dance.

Sunday 27 July 2014

1988-02-24:As Night Grows Old

I'll stay awake for you tonight
And fight fatigue and lethargy,
To see the new day creeping in
With you in silence.

We've talked of everything beneath the sun
And a few more things besides,
So there are no more words left to say
With you in silence.

The empty coffee cups mark time
Across the wakeful night,
Evidence of time I've spent
With you in silence.

There's things I know I want to say
But the words escape and flee.
So I'm sitting here as night grows old
With you in silence.

The record's worn into a groove,
The gas fire's sounding tired,
But we'll outlast them, wait and see,
With you in silence.

[Note: of course the record groove reference dates this.... not quite the same effect if a CD or MP3 is playing]

1987 Dec: Deja Vu

I've seen you before,
But only in my dreams
Or the corner of my eye.
When I turn
You're never there
And I am alone
With nothing but a sense of deja vu.

Across a crowded room
You look straight into my eyes,
A stranger who I recognise,
But you're always with
Some other girl
And I'm still left
With nothing but a sense of deja vu.

When I have to stand
And watch you walk away
I know you won't be back.
So I bite my lip
And wipe my tears
And start again
With nothing but a sense of deja vu.

Saturday 26 July 2014

1987 Nov: Black

Some people say I'm boring
Because I dress in black
They say that as a colour
It has a certain lack.
No variety or interest,
No verve or vibrancy,
Are they really all so blind
That they truly can not see?
It's a rainbow full of nightlight,
A myriad of shares,
It's a colour deep and lilting
Besides which others fade.

1987-01-13: Got me wrong

You've got me wrong,
I'm not going for a song,
You can't sweet talk me,
I just want to be free.

No more fetters, no more ropes,
Not even you can squash my hopes,
Tie my feet to the ground,
My head's in the clouds,
I'm gonna go as far
As I'm allowed.

I've got it right,
At last I've seen the light,
No one's in the way but me,
If I want, I will be free.

No more nice guys. no more creeps,
This time I won't be the one that weeps,
I'll not be caged
Like I'm in the zoo,
I'm gonna get out
And I'm gonna get you.

[Note: kind of interesting to write this one up as it appeared to be about ignoring the normal boundaries and yet stuck in the middle as "as far as I'm allowed" !!]

Friday 25 July 2014

1986: Thoughts

It's funny that
After all these years
Of insecurities
And illogical fears,
That I should think
The same of you
And feel the way
I used to do.

1986-01-16: so many ways

So many ways
To say goodbye,
So many days
To say farewell,
But not to go
Without a sign
Or just one more
Final au'voir.
I can't restrain,
But if you go
Please let it be
With love.

1985/6: it isn't right

It isn't right
For them to see
'Tween you and me.
Certain things
Should not be told,
However brave,
However bold.
But secret kept
Those moments shared
With heart and soul
And body bared.
With no one else
But us to know
And with signs
And signals show.

These are my friends....

These are my friends,
I owe them nothing
But they mean everything to me.
These are my songs,
They mean nothing to you
But they are my life and soul.

[Notes: "These are my friends" was a form of introduction that I wrote when I started sharing some of my poems with friends]